The punches kind of sound generic, but you can notice subtle differences with each punch. you wouldn't expect this kind of quality from a flash game that wasn't based entirely around sound. The enemies look good too, I can tell at a glance which enemy is going to pull out a gun and which enemy is the weakest. I don't mean to sound negative about it, but it does look pretty good. The scenery isn't exactly breathe taking, but it still looks great for a flash game. The animation is pretty tight and flowing, the movement looks fairly natural (as naturally as cactus men can move anyway). This is probably the nicest looking and sounding flash game I've reviewed.

At least it isn't overbearing with all the insanity, it's just kind of sitting there, waiting for you to notice it. I'd describe the game as an action platformer, as well as a little insane. Then it goes back to insane when I'm beating a guy with a cactus, as a cactus, so I can return a cactus gem ("yo dawg"). It all seems to come naturally from this kind of whimsically serious tone that get's set in at the beginning, and is only reenforced by the whole western theme. The story is kind of insane, but it doesn't go out of it's way to be so. Who ever touches the emerald while it is not returned to its true home, will turn into a cactus and eventually. Though there is a curse on the emerald (the Cursed Sacred Thorned Emerald? Can we put more adjectives on that?). McCoy's big job is to bring 'Boss' the Sacred Thorned Emerald. At this point, Cactus McCoy is just McCoy and not a cactus (don't worry, insanity sets in soon). I really don't know much about him other than his extra set of arms and rather man spider like appearance. Anyway, the story of Cactus McCoy starts out when he gets a big job from, "Boss", his. that might not be a story for here however. This game is insane, or at least the concept is.